穂積浅葱|Asagi HozumiNov 27, 2022Japan Premiere of Film 'About Anti-Natalism' Confirmed'About Anti-Natalism,' a feature film written and directed by Wataru Shibata, will mark its Japan premiere in December this year. This...
穂積浅葱|Asagi HozumiSep 1, 2022The 2nd Annual General Meeting Was Held To Change English NameWe held the second annual general meeting on August 28 to amend the rules to change this organization's English name, and approve changes...
穂積浅葱|Asagi HozumiMar 20, 2022'An Antinatalist Handbook' Japanese Version Has 15 New ChaptersWe are excited to announce that the Japanese version of 'An Antinatalist Handbook' has been updated and now has 15 new chapters, which...
穂積浅葱|Asagi HozumiMar 17, 2022Ep. 55 of The Exploring Antinatalism Podcast Is Out NowThe translation department took part in the production of the 55th episode of The Exploring Antinatalism Podcast, which is available now...